Wednesday, May 16, 2012

5 Things to Do Before Buying Online Ads.

Advertising online is the best way more effective, reach more people, affordable and reliable, specially we are now living in the digital world or technology world, internet being as the most important parts in our life and business. However before you make decision to buy Online Ads, there are five tips below for your ideas to choose the best online branding and advertising sites to improve your selling and building brand awareness. 

1. Check the Site’s History
Find out what products or services were previously sold at the site. You are mainly checking for reputation here. Any site that was used by squatters, scammers or for questionable activity is not going to generate the traffic you need. The links to various search engines are going to be useful. And you won’t get much traffic anyway.

Before you spend any money with the current website owner, check the history of the domain name. Use the Way back Machine to determine how the site was previously used.

You will see a block after “http://www:,” which you can use to enter the site. Dates and information about the site will then appear, showing you how the site was previously used.

2. Check the Popularity of Site
Make sure the site you plan to advertise on is popular. Check various search engines to determine the number of sites that are indexed or backlinked to the site. You can use Website Outlook and Alexa to estimate the amount of traffic the site generates. Another way is by asking the website owner for the analytics page.

This information is usually available through Google Analytics if the owner is unaware of how to obtain the information. The owner can also provide you with screenshots to his analytics panel, which will give you an idea on the site’s popularity.

3. Negotiate the Best Price
Never go with the set price. Most blog or website owners are willing to negotiate prices for ads. Check the number of ads on the site. The fewer ads there are on the site, the better bargaining power you have. The owner may be just trying to cover his operating costs if he owns a new site. Therefore, any reasonable price may be acceptable.

Another option is to get discounts by paying in advance. You may even get a month free if you pay several months in advance. Offline magazines have been using that strategy for years to get more money up front. It can also work for you.
4. Create a Customized Banner Ads
Your banner or ad should get the attention of the reader. It needs to include color, an image and key benefits people will get from using your products. A free offer can also generate a lot of response. Create your banner from scratch instead of using an existing generic banner.

Your objective is to get as many click-throughs as possible. That way, people either go to your website or lead capture page for more information. The position of the banner or ad is also crucial. Ask the owner which ads tend to get the most traffic.

The website may have several other types of advertising you can run as well, including rotating banner ads.
5. Set Up a Tracking System
Set up a tracking system for each banner ads; and there are other online trackers as well. The key is making sure you not only check the number of clicks but the pages people are visiting on your site. For example, if people are going to your capture page and not entering their names and emails, you may need to create better copy for that page. A video may be necessary to get the consumer’s interest.

Know how to interpret the results of all of your tracking and continue to monitor results as long as you run the ads.

Needed professional? Please contact us to brand to your business online today.

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