Friday, June 1, 2012

Online Branding: On site Optimization for small business.

Online Branding: On site Optimization for small business.

Online Branding: On site Optimization for small business.
Internet is became the most powerful in this digital, internet marketing is very popular, affordable and effective way for marketing and advertising small business product and service. Here’s below is few tips of On Site Optimization that you can use to improve your online branding.
On site optimization is not as complex as it sounds. Its just a matter of keeping everything in your site in good working order. Make sure to follow these following rules if you really want to have an advantage with google. 

1. No spelling errors
2. Keyword rich as in use the keywords inside your site if your looking to move up with google search.
3. Make sure all pictures are not broken
4. Add keyword rich alt title tags to all pics on your site. Make each one different.
5. Unique written content or as much of it as possible. Google loves new paragraphs and pictures.

General Meta Tag defined
A meta tags purpose is for spiders to gather a little bit of information about your site to help it decide where to place you in search engines along with many other things as well. Many people believe that the meta tag is not important but don't listen to them. The meta tag is extremely important. It allows you to have a better chance to gain in search engines as well as gives appropriate information to google and other engines that read from the meta tag (MSN, YAHOO, etc).

You can and SHOULD add a meta tag for every single page on your site. Each one will be different depending on how different the keywords are on that page. There is the possibility where you won't be able to add meta tags to all pages. Often if you are running a site that runs a lot of SQL call ups on pages you won't have a page file of a lot of areas of your site. This is common with online arcade sites, video sites, and other functional sites that record stats and information from visitors. Regardless put a meta tag into as many pages as possible.

Irrelevant meta tag = no traffic forever
If your site is about dogs and you have keywords, anchors, or in the description about Brad Pitt because you find that that keyword has huge searches then google will know that it's total junk. The spider will go through your pages and it'll find that there is no words that have anything to do with celebs or brad, and it'll throw your site so far down the “PIT” of google it'll never be found be even by the greatest pet lover in the world. I realize that there is so much to it that you may make a mistake and that's ok. 

You have to crawl before you run. It's not something that happens overnight. eventually you'll be seeing that certain keywords you put in are getting traffic and others are not. It's a long process. Maybe you'll see you are getting traffic from a keyword that is not from anything you tried and you could try to put it in your meta tag and throughout your site. Experimenting is good. No site is the same. In time you'll know your site like the back of your hand.

Popzone Asia is the first Online Branding, Internet Marketing in Cambodia, contact us now to brand your business online.

1 comment:

  1. About the brand marketing I read many article but this article explains how to handle brand for the successful marketing. Brand Marketing
