Saturday, June 2, 2012

Success story of HP (Hewlett Packard): They can do it, how about you?

Success story of HP (Hewlett Packard): They can do it, how about you?

Success story of HP (Hewlett Packard): They can do it, how about you?
Hewlett and Packard first met as undergraduate students at Stanford University. After graduation in 1934, Hewlett went to MIT to earn a master's degree in electrical engineering, while Packard worked at General Electric. Both returned to Stanford, Hewlett for an Engineering degree and Packard to start a fellowship. The two were invited to contribute to the foundation of a technology community in the area now known as Silicon Valley. 

In 1939 HP started in Packard's garage, with US$538 and 2 employees. The name of the company was decided with a coin toss. Their first product was a resistance capacity audio oscillator, based on Hewlett's graduate work, which Walt Disney Studios purchased to help produce Fantasia.

Today the company has evolved into a $25 billion business with over 98,000 employees and offices in 16 nations.

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