Thursday, March 29, 2012

Is it true 80% of Profit Comes from 20% of Clients? Popzone News | Money

Is it true 80% of Profit Comes from 20% of Clients? Popzone News | Money

80-20 Principle: Prioritize Everything You Do To Get Success!
I have noticed recently that many people do irrelevant and unimportant stuff. Most of the time we are dealing with those clients who make us the most trouble and least profit. We are always chasing for every possible dollar we can get, but in order to do that, we are giving 120% of our effort. I realized that when I focus only on most important things and most important clients, the time needed to manage that decrease tremendously. One should cut everything that makes him mad and does not give him enough satisfaction.

Did you ever heard of 80/20 rule? This rule can be applied on almost every area of life. It says that 80 percent of outputs are made out of 20 percent of inputs. This could be translated like 80% of our time is dedicated to only 20% of our income. 80% of our problems are made of 20% of causes. 80% of wealth is kept by 20% of people. And so on… This is also known as Pareto principle. So, what does it mean to you?

It means that you should prioritize everything in your life! Do only 20 percent of the most important things and you will have the 80% percent of the income you used to have. Then you will have the rest of your time to do some other jobs and to get rich. Prioritize everything on all other jobs and soon you will get rich.

The hardest part is as always the beginning. When you are doing something, ask yourself if this particular action is part of your 20% effort that will give you 80% of income. If not, drop it immediately. Do only the most important things! That will separate successful rich people from ordinary ones.

By Kerry Leng. Founder/CEO, Popzone.Asia

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