Sunday, April 1, 2012

Don't Just Dream, Act and Get Rich! Popzone News | Money

Don't Just Dream, Act and Get Rich! Popzone News | Money

Dream, act and get rich
There is a wonderful success story about a writer whose life changed literally overnight. She dreamed a vivid story with seemingly real characters which she could not forget. The dream took over her. After she did only necessary things and postponed everything else, she sat and wrote down the story and it took her three months to finish her first novel.

Her name is Stephenie Meyer and her novel was Twilight, the top talked about novels in 2005. It was number 5 on the NY Times bestseller list.

Later she wrote another three novels from the same series, each of them number one on the NY Times bestseller list. Two movies are already released based on first two parts of her Twilight Saga. Don’t need to mention that they also made a huge success.

I want to emphasize the importance of her dream. The story was within her all the time and the dream revealed it. But also, maybe more important is that she took action! She set aside all other important things and wrote the story. For the next three months no one besides her sister knew that she was writing a novel.

And now she is a millionaire! What a wonderful success story. I would like to experience similar one.
Author: Isabella from Italy 

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